Acidifying Penetrant
- Improves soil and irrigation water quality
- Increases water infiltration and penetration
- Lowers bicarbonates and sodium
- Increases soil moisture uniformity
- Lowers pH resulting from poor water quality
Acidi-pHlow is a blend of AQUA-AID® soil wetting agents combined with a unique blend of acidifying agents. Acidi-pHlow is designed to enhance the penetration and infiltration of applied water through irrigation systems with the added benefit of reducing the negative effects of high bicarbonate levels.
Apply 0.75-1.5 ounces per 1000 ft2 (3-5 L per hectare) every 30 days or as needed.
Inject 1-2 quarts per acre (3-5 L per hectare) every 30 days or as needed.