Optimizing Your Overseed Requires the Use of Calcium

I wish I had a dollar for every time I’ve heard, “I had to go back and throw more seed because it didn’t take the first time.” The first question I always ask is “What do you think caused it?” Water, light, heat, traffic, fertility, seed, and a lot of other variables come into play when overseeding fails to germinate and establish uniformly. And guess what, applying calcium before or at time of seeding, helps 90% of the time. Now I say. “Have you applied your Calcium before your overseeding this fall?” “Do you want to increase the germination, uniformity, maturity, and overall plant survival by about 90%?”
Calcium should be considered the most important nutrient when it comes to getting the most out of your seeding project. It plays a major role in the physiology of the plant, strengthening its physical structure, increasing nutrient uptake and protecting from disease. The importance of calcium in the soil, includes; the reduction of soil compaction, increased water infiltration, and helping to provide a better environment for the proliferation of beneficial bacteria.